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Old 12-13-2005, 11:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: 94% of Americans believe God Exists

and someone saying that they are absolutely sure that god does exist is not the same because of logical reasons but probably just as ridiculous.. also this person would be more inclined to have their "official" belief as 100% that theree is a god because if not......well you know... the whole wrath of god thing

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prodigy, I am confused. Can a person be 'certain' there is a god? Are they also a moron for believing that?

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i don't think that a person can be 100% sure that theree is a god, but there is a reason to claim to be 100% sure that there is a god, but not one to be 100% sure that theree is no god.

I'm not exactly sure how the whole not being able to prove a negative think works, but i think it's applicable in this situation.

and no, a believer cannot be blamed for claiming to be 100% sure that there is a god because that comes with the belief.. i only consider them morons because of such a belief in god, not becuase their 100% sureness claim.

you should probably just commit yourself to hell if you give odds to the christian god's existence.. I'm pretty suree he'd be pissed off
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