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Old 12-13-2005, 06:24 PM
Bill Kolter Bill Kolter is offline
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Location: Indiana
Posts: 11
Default Re: Pwned by Freddie Deeb, WPT Bellagio ME

Hand 1: I would never--EVER--check that flop holding an overpair, but then again, I would never find myself facing Freddie Deeb, either, so I'm obviously my giving you advice is a bit surreal. You have no additional information at this point as to what you are facing. If I were Freddy, I would definitely represent the flush on the turn after your check. He's 2-1 to have a heart in his hand and you're getting paid better 2.6-1. Call, unless your read tells you otherwise.

Hand #2. If you weren't calling the pre-flop raise in the hopes of catching a flush, why were you calling? This is what happens when you play that garbage. You have a flush, true, but it's a crappy one. At this point, I wouldn't give him a chance to catch a heart on the river if he has one. Push or fold, depending on your read.
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