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Old 12-13-2005, 06:14 PM
DougShrapnel DougShrapnel is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 55
Default Re: Extraterrestrial Intent

At a certain point in evolution of "large intelligent" animals. The Ideals, and Way oF Lifes become the driving force in the evolutionary process. I.E. that the survival of democracy becomes more important than survival of humans. Whichever ideas have survived in the alien race, will be spread here too. It is my opinion that an egalitarian nature, would stop an andvanced race from eating us. However, if it is the case that resources are scarce in the universe, different ideals would survive and become more important than survival.

Eventually, whatever ideals they held, they would attemp to make us like them in order to insure the survival of their knowledge.

It is for all pratical purposes becoming a pet.
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