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Old 12-13-2005, 05:47 PM
morgan180 morgan180 is offline
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Default Re: Optimal Holiday Party Drinking Strategy?

The reasoning for the planning was as follows:

- the company party is my party. i own the company.
- the guys that work for me always try to get me to take shots with them, drink with them, etc.
- it's extremely poor form for the boss to get wasted in front of the employees
- it's poor form to be a pussy and not drink with the employees (many of whom are close friends from college, family, etc.)

so basically i am trying to figure out how to make every one happy, get a nice buzz, have the flexibility to drink with my friends/employees and not be the drunk boss.

and i agree with all of the other comments, i usually don't plan my drinking sessions, i can cut myself off and handle my alcohol fine...just an interestinge scenario...
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