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Old 12-13-2005, 02:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: travelling to japan

Most of my time in Japan has been spent in the big cities. Tokyo, Kobe and Kyoto were the best use of my time. I didn't do much in the way of tourist attractions; I loved the hot springs in Kyoto, the technological district in Tokyo and pretty much any monastary i could find, but I don't have much in the way of specific recommendations for you. There is, however, a secret to travelling in Japan.

Learn a couple of key phrases. Every time my large caucasian frame produced an 'arigato', the people I was communicating with were delighted and went out of their way to be helpful. If I'd ask for directions, they'd actually take me to my destination. In a Yokohama train station, I asked where to find a taxi using an awful english-Japanese dictionary and the little old man I asked took my two suitcases (One filled with books), carried them up four flights of stairs and put them in a cab for me. That's how much they appreciate the effort.

While you're there, I highly recommend trying to find some Zabuton. It's steak that's been massaged and beer-soaked for 24 hours and might be the best this steak-lover has ever had. It's also rare enough that most restaurants won't serve two helpings to a party.

A few other suggestions:

- don't wear shorts.
- Never leave your chopsticks inside the rice bowl.
- Don't eat while walking or transporting.
- If you're going to try to bow, maintain eye contact.

You're going to have a great time,

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