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Old 12-13-2005, 10:21 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: why do people love violence?

"It also says something about Lebanese youths attacking lifeguards first."

Allegedly, as part of an isolated incident involving two people, not large-scale rioting.

"Are you saying it is acceptable for gangs of men to drive into white areas and vandalize property in retaliation? "

Of course not. But you seemed to be suggesting that it was incorrect to say that the "white" rioting came first.

"Or do you think that maybe a group of perhaps economically disadvantaged people are taking advantage of a situation where they think their actions will be excused because "white supremcists" started it?"

No, I think a group of people are acting out misplaced revenge.

"It is the same as France, IMO."

OK, but you haven't responded to my argument about why it is different at all.
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