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Old 12-13-2005, 07:15 AM
nomadtla nomadtla is offline
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Default Re: Stat\'s Interpretation (What the Autorate is Cappable of) (long)

Hey Shillx,
Thanks for the reply


2) Attach a PFR to each of them.... There are essentially 2 reasons to do this.

a) It converges faster then AF and is a good measure of aggression.

b) It tells us something more then just AF would alone.

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These are both very good points, and something I feel kinda lacked from our design.

The problem with dividing players by VPIP, PFR, and AF is that PT only has 14 icons. To fully divide by the method you layed out would take 18 icons. We have to give somewhere. I chose to give PFR so more categories could be used elsewhere (though I'm not sure that it's the best way).

3) Use a sliding scale as you suggest for the AF.

- For loose make the ranges (< .8, .8-1.2, > 1.2)
- For typical make them (< 1.2, 1.2-1.8, > 1.8)
- For tight make them (< 1.5, 1.5-2.5, > 2.5)

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a deffinite and probably the most important part of my OP. Since a neutral AF changes as VPIP goes up we can't base an autorate dividing every player on that line of 1.5, or 2, or any other set # across the board.

hopefully we can get some ideas brewing to create the best possible Autorate range.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was my intent more then anything to just get a discussion going and have a new thread that would encompass this discussion. I'm not looking to set anything in Stone for anyone. As I said in my OP, finding the perfect way might not be possible, and even if it were since we all have variables in our styles what helps one player might not help me and vice versa.

I was also looking to discuss other Sub-catergory ideas. If anyone had noticed a particular street by street change meaning one thing. Or used the autorate function like Wookie to weed out a select group to look for or avoid.

As far as I know the relation of street by street AF's has not been discussed as a base for finding particular charecteristics. I know some of us have street AF's up in our HUD's but wondered if anyone else had been able to define a ultra high or low AF on one street, or a relation of increasing/decreasing street AF's meant a particular style of villan.

So I just wanted to throw my thoughts out there if they help anyone, and see if anyone else had similar ideas or noticed similar trends.
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