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Old 12-13-2005, 05:10 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: Stats, Downswings, and Whatnot

"short handed is unique for downswings so it has its place in a forum about short handed"

This is what i was thinking.
Discussing the kind of downswings one can have specifically at shorthanded is a valid subject.
There's a reason it's been discussed multiple times.
And I don't think that the fact that it's been disucssed more than once is a reason to just ban it.
If that was the case then you could take every single hand that is based on a previously covered strategy and ban them too.
"Sorry. It should be obvious from previous threads that the concept of iso-3-betting a LAG PF is something you should be doing. Since we've already covered it then from now on we are going to lock all threads that try to discuss this simple idea for the zillionth time."

For the same reason I think the stats post should continue.

Some people look at their stats and don't realize that their numbers are off because they've played a bit more 3 and 4-handed than others.

Some people are just new to 6-max and are looking for a place to start.
To that end, I don't have too much of a problem with the noob's posting after 5k hands just to see what they are doing right and wrong.
Their win-rate won't mean anything after that amount...but certainly their other stats will.
If they are 35/12/1 then it becomes pretty pointless for them to continue playing that way until they reach 20k hands.
Yes, they should get a better idea of how to play correctly if they read through some strategy posts too (which is typically going to be recommended) but sometimes they STILL think they are pretty much doing what they are supposed to and are just looking for some guidance (and to be told that they are likely WAY wrong if they are playing 35/12 on a 6-handed table).

This is the Small Stakes short-handed forum which means we will be getting PLENTY of noob's in here (coming in from ML and SS) and many of those noob's will be weak-tightish full-ring, bonus-chasers who are really going to struggle at first to learn correct aggression (and will continue to struggle to learn that correct aggression in my case at least).

The downswing posts are kind of tough. Because we don't want total whining. But the concept that 100BB+ downswings are fairly common is worth addressing (and continuing to discuss...again for the noobs who don't know about this).

As I and others have mentioned before...many 'downswing-whining' type posters really need to be corrected and informed that there is a very good chances that it's not JUST variance but that they are just playing badly.
Or, in PBob's case, some reassurance that he is likely NOT playing a losing game.

I'm really not sure what else to say about the various downswing posts...but I don't think that they are cluttering the forum THAT much. And if people don't want to discuss these issues then they would just get bumped off the page anyway.
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