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Old 12-12-2005, 11:08 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Who is your hero?

Street cred? That's always been a ridiculous notion best left to the ghetto and the white boys who want to pretend they understand anything about it.

"Street cred for showing boobs" is not a concept that would apply to the 50's.

As to change, what is this change you speak of? He's an old man. Let him bang his triplets already. And enjoy his house. Whatever you think he should be thinking now, although I'm generally not all that fond of that sort of a concept, just go ahead and think it for yourself. That's your job. You're a young guy and nobody's stopping you. Not by way of criticism or meant personally in even the slightest way, but just as a plain fact, Good luck coming up with 1/100th of the guts he had.

Other people didn't risk as complete social ostracism, or legal punishment, as he did to gain their wealth, so there's no comparison there at all.

Society wouldn't be anywhere near as open if he hadn't come along and risked everything.

We're lucky to be able to take a lot of things for granted now.
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