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Old 12-12-2005, 09:20 PM
4thstreetpete 4thstreetpete is offline
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Default Re: Thoughts on dropping out of school...

Gabe, I wish I had your maturity and outlook when I was your age. I feel like I would be a terrible person to give advice on this thread because I truly feel that if internet poker was around when I was 18 and making boatloads of money like some of these kids today do, there would be a strong case that I'll probably be wondering the same thing.

I hated school even though I was a straight A student pretty much throughout. I thought high school was a breeze and when I entered university I totally lost my focus. Much of my time were spent at the poker clubs and working rather than being in classes. Weekends were about getting high and partying.

I'm in the same boat as the other previous poster where he actually wants to go back to school. I've switched jobs so many times after graduating, now I want to go back to do what I really want to do. Having poker as a side income is nice.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Now after being away from school for so long I do miss it. All that said I'm glad I did stay but mainly because it was for the college experience. It was without a doubt the best time of my life. If I had missed that I would've really regretted it.
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