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Old 12-12-2005, 07:24 PM
AllIn3High AllIn3High is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Posts: 281
Default Re: $400nl session video.


Any was could u go to 2.5x, cause I'm slow, but seriously I think 3 is a hair to fast, but I think 2 would be too slow.

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Yeah if/when i do another one i'm gonna have to figure out a way to edit out un-interesting hands (after i muck preflop). Then there won't be a need for it to be 3x speed (I did that so people would actually watch it and not just quit, bored, after a few min).


Question, why did you push the KTs hand, with the 4 heart draw on the flop?

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Because if i raised pot (which would be to something like $50) and the turn blanked, he would have ~40 left and the pot would be 80, so if we were playing all the money was going in anyway.


Do you always lead out for a PSB on the flop?

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In unraised pots - yes.
If I think they'll call anyway and I want to win a pot - yes.
otherwise - it depends.


I agree with most of the posters here with all comments. Biggest thing I noticed was you playing too tight 4 handed, could loosen that up a bit, just seems like a lot of ABC poker

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Yeah, next video (posted by whoever) will hopefuly be more interesting. I'm thinking about starting to just record most sessions and then picking an interesting one. Let's see.
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