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Old 12-12-2005, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: ethics - do you point this out?

I think somewhere we got off track. I guess I never paid attention to the "ethics" part of the headline...Any case, I think every single one of us agrees that the ethical thing to do, ALWAYS (home game, casino game, poker club game, friends, foes, our mothers), is to point out the full house. The next discussion seems to evolve, or devolve some would say, into how much would it take for you to do what you know is wrong. For some, no amount of money (they say) would allow them to do the wrong thing. For the rest, there is some figure that would let them say "well, it is for $xxx" and then they reason it out however they want, ie "the player should have known", "its the dealer's job at a casino", "its a lot of money". I am of the opinion that everyone has a price, but for most that price is so high that they don't think it exists.
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