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Old 12-12-2005, 03:16 PM
imported_The Vibesman imported_The Vibesman is offline
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Default Re: Favorite atheletes

Your posts sound more and more like Joe Fan calling talk radio every day.

Supplements and steroids may help Bonds' body rejuvenate itself, but they don't give him his hand/eye coordination, his control of the strike zone, or his swing. To put the words natural ability in quotes and then attribute it to roids, as if to imply that without steroids Barry Bonds would be as good a baseball player as any schlub, is just ignorant. I think you're smarter than that and just have a personal dislike for Barry Bonds, but I could be wrong I guess.

As for denigrating his demeanor, I would act the exact same way towards the scribblers, they deserve nothing better. They're a bunch of fat, jealous, bitter men who lack the talent to be either real journalists or athletes. 162 times a year he has to hear the same stupid questions, one after another. Personally, I find it a joy to hear him reply, "That's a stupid question, man. Why you ask a stupid question like that? Next question." If more athletes would do this, less stupid questions would probably get asked.

You finding issues with demeanor on someone is kind of funny, considering who your avatar is; if Bonds is surly, what's Steinbrenner, sweetness and light?
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