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Old 12-12-2005, 03:15 PM
HopeydaFish HopeydaFish is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 151
Default Re: Funniest Moment, but you can not laugh.

A girl I had dated for awhile in high school was in one of my classes in University. We'd stayed friends after we'd broken up, but the break-up was because she thought that I was "too much of a jerk". I hadn't done much to dispell the notion in the two years since we'd stopped going out.

Shortly before the Christmas break, she mentioned to me that she'd gotten a 120 lbs Rotweiler from the animal shelter. I made some crack about these kinds of dogs being given up to the animal shelter because their owners find them too vicious and that she'd end up with her throat being torn out. I also mentioned a story about a friend of mine who had gotten attacked by a dog he'd adopted, and that the dog hadn't seemed aggressive at all until the day it attacked him. She got kind of bitchy at this point and started telling me how her dog is a "sweetheart" and wouldn't hurt a fly, etc... "Famous last words" was my reply to her and she got even more bitchy and insisted that I didn't know what I was talking about.

A couple of days later she called me up for some reason and I could hear the dog going apeshit in the background. It sounded like it was in the process of killing her family. I asked her why it was barking and growling so much and she told me it was because it could see the neighbour in his backyard. I again repeated my statement that it was only a matter of time before the dog snapped and attacked her. She again argued with me and defended her dog, called me a jerk, and hung up on me.

Fast forward about a month and we're back in school. I see her in class and I ask her how her holidays were. She tells me they were "depressing".

"Why," I replied, "did your dog finally try to kill you?"

At this point she holds up her hand, and it is covered in scars.

"Yeah, I took the dog out for a walk and he saw another dog and tried to go after it. I was pulling on the leash and it wanted to get away so it turned around and bit my hand really hard. I had to go to emergency and get stitches."

I really really didn't want to laugh, but I remembered how bitchy she got with me, and how she kept insisting that I didn't know what I was talking about...and I started laughing. When she told me that her dog had to put down after it attacked her, I tried to stop laughing, but by then it was too late...I was laughing so hard I was crying.

Just then another girl that we knew went to sit down with us and asked why I was laughing so hard.

"He's laughing because I had to put my dog to sleep."
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