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Old 12-12-2005, 06:35 AM
daveymck daveymck is offline
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Default Re: Thoughts on dropping out of school...

There is two things I would maybe add to this.

Firstly you have to think of the future not just the now those making good serious money from poker can they do it longer term and will poker be there for them to do it longer term. Yes there will be forms of poker whatever happens but in 5-10 years time will you be able to be a multi table full time pro in the same way you are now. Are you capable of adapting as the game changes over the years, judging by the panic stations on here when Party split form Empire a lot are not.

Secondly ggbman in the post above mentions earning 200k a year for a few years will set you up for 15 years, I am not so sure it would maybe if you stay at the levels of expenditure the average 18-24 YO has. As you get older and end up with a partner and house and maybe kids etc etc you will find your expenditure increases and increases comparable to your earn. The amount you earn tends to get reflected in the areas you look to live in, the cars you want, holidays you take, the lifestyle overall you look to enjoy. Having said that the amounts people are earning now at that young age are giving a good start in life.

Edit to add

I realise at this age most people dont know what they want to do or where they want to go, poker can seem an easy option, but it may be in 10 years you think back I wish I had stayed and finished my schooling, its better to keep as many future options open now than to have big regrets later on just cos of a bit of laziness and lack of motivation (which all of us tend to have whatever we do). Even going to school I would think would leave a good few hours to make a decent whack form poker at the peak times. BUt I also realise school isnt for everyone (I left at 16) you have to think deep inside what you want.
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