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Old 12-12-2005, 04:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I have decided to throw up on OOT(long psychobabble)

So i would also like to say that I had a dream today, (because i like sleeping in the middle of the day) It made no sense what so ever, but I am going to post it anyway.Mwuhahaha

There was a tornado and me and my coworker ross decided that we should rob Price chopper in all the confusion, it was a big black tornado and it was going to destroy all of price chopper. Things were about to get serious, so i took off all my clothes and put on one black glove. then ross looked at me wierd and i realized I needed to go get my penis, which I had left in my pants pocket. I went to go get my penis, and reattached it. but by that time Ross had a huge stack of money so we left. I don't know where ross went but i ended up in a giant room made of steel with three exits and a giant waterfall. Purple mist blocked all the exits and then the people greeted me and said "look at Kerouc." He rode a turtle upstream and when he was at the top he said "i am the mighty kerouc." Then a girl from my past came out of the waterfall and led me to a spiral staircase where we went down and down. at the bottom fire surrounded a plateau of stone where a table and two chairs were , and she said that I would have better luck against him. I still dont remember who "him" was.maybe i never saw him across the table. We played Magic the gathering for the universe and I lost. Then the girl i knew said that i should throw away all my cards and seal her forever and leave. Then i woke up and was pissed off for no apparent reason.
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