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Old 12-12-2005, 04:25 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I have decided to throw up on OOT(long psychobabble)

Continuing on, I need to talk about a man. some would say the man. Duane Gish. who is Duane Gish?He is the debater of creationism who represents the creationist viewpoint.Out of all the people in the creationist army, he is their best debater. He has debated about 500 times against evolutionist and usually comes out the winner.he has a PHd in biochemistry for Cal-berkely(thats legit). there are articles written on how to debate him..although hes is not as sexy as that article would lead you to believe.the main thing I think about this guy is.....does he actually believe in creationism or is he a genius who found a niche market? I think it would be fun to debate the merits of Christianity in front of bible thumpers as a job so he's on to something. And that brings us to kansas, my home state, the heartland, the creationist fundamentalist.I took one point away from the debate i saw recently.It is that a true christian does not believe in evolution, which is why i am no longer a christian. I believe science is eating away at the assumptions of christianity. but i do believe in a god, and i do believe in heaven and hell, but only in abstact forms which are not the cloud and angels/devils with fire christianity view.
now, Kansas is full of duanes, folksy debaters who want to burn evolution for various reasons. also, chrstians in kansas is avery powerful influence in teen culture unlike....the other 49 states. teen christianity means that you listen to tooth and nail record's Cd's(anberlin,underoath,mae) go to youth groups and snowboard and pretned like you don't have sex and dress like you are emo/prep and hope that jesus makes the fashion statement work for you. So yeah, im not sure if anything i posted about kansas belief in creationism made sence but o well.....
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