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Old 12-11-2005, 10:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I\'m done with PLO

I think I have--I have analyzed my play numerous times and I can't think of much to change in it. Every big wrap I raise huge get callers of whom I think have two pair and maybe bottom set and the board pairs probably 60% of the time on the turn (with a 20% total blank, and a 20% hit but everyone then folds to my bet... lol). I know that's not correct but I'm so darn sure that's accurate. (and I'm not the type to overexaggerate factual stuff)

There was a day where I had the nuts plus nut redraws in every pot and lost them all to the same type of hands. Some people just love their straight draws (gutshots included) even if they don't have a flush draw to go with it. I just wish I didn't get stuck in these situations calling with odds to catch back on them cause I probably hit.

(but I'm sure that a lot of people will say that I'm doing something wrong and I'll keep analyzing but I just can't see it)

I probably only play this a few times every month but I know I at least have taken a pretty good beating. I'm sure there's something I could do better but I don't think it would have made a difference in any of the previous outcomes except I probably wouldn't have lost as much but I would have lost equity.

But omaha with four cards is much easier to catch than holdem is so I know these things happen I'm just done with the pain of losing that much in that amount of time with what I had that's all.
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