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Old 12-11-2005, 01:08 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: December VIP offers

Very well put....much better articulated than when I tried to say mostly the same stuff (but took about 6x longer to do so).

Not only are there all those issues of making it harder than it should be, etc etc...but they are actually HURTING their own profit and their players' motivation.

Tell the player they he gets $500 after 12k hands and that they have to play the full 12k to get the bonus.
that's all fine and dandy as far as I care.
But why wouldn't you want to pro-rate it for AFTER 12k hands to encourage more play? Do they want their players to stop playing at a certain point?
Just saying, "You'll get an additional $100 for each 2400 hands you play above and beyond 12k" would get generate increased play from their players which is, I thought, what they wanted.

It seems to me that the reason they are not doing this (or...have stopped doing this, since they were attempting to do something like this before) is become some management person there said, "No. It's too complicated to have to sit there and figure it out for each player. Just give them one goal to reach and that's it."

It's as if they have to sit there with big charts and do all the calculations by hand and they just don't want to be bothered to figure out what the full payment should be for someone who plays 24,623 hands at an incentive rate of 3.75-cents per hand.

this is the 21st century.
It's not that complicated.
Make it automated (unless for some reason Party actually doesn't WANT to make a better profit and encourage their players to play more).

FWIW - haven't gotten an offer. My phone's been acting weird though...but pretty sure they didn't try to call me.
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