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Old 12-10-2005, 10:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Does the rake kill O8 this bad?

First of all, in split pot games the house tends to do well for many reasons.

IMO, O8B is a game where so many pots are split that a lot of players dont go broke very fast, which enables them to keep playing, and lose money much slower than they would in a game like hold'em.

In the example you gave I think that you are seeing the exaggerated effects of rake in O8B.

I can't explain why one room would have no long term winners unless it didn't have that many long term players????

BTW, a high VP$IP (45%) is a good number in a lot of the games online.

It might be that the pool of players in the room you are talking about don't have a large edge on eachother and therefore just end up losing the rake. It's possible. I'v played in live games before where players just traded pots over and over until someone said "we've been playing for three hours and the only person that's made a dime is the house"

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