Thread: Bill Hicks
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Old 12-10-2005, 02:18 PM
tdarko tdarko is offline
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Default Re: Bill Hicks

my favorite all time, in my eyes nobody compares to hicks. when i was 12 my cousin (at the time he was 23) worked at the improv and when the comedians that he felt were worth watching would come in town he would have me come through the back door and listen (i couldn't see the stage) from the back. to this day i will never hear a comedian that killed an audience like him, he would freeze everyone when he wanted to, he would make you laugh when he wanted to. he controled you. this is actually what started my obsession with stand-up.

the bill hicks "live" dvd that came out about 9 months ago is pretty good, its just a compilation of the stuff you have seen before. i have every cd he has ever put out posthumously (obviously) but a week ago i bought his newest oxford live double disc cd...its not really any different than the single disc oxford live cd except a little longer with material from previous sets.

my favorite moment from hicks isn't one that i have heard or seen but one that i read in a book on his life ( American Scream: The Bill Hicks Story ). it was when he was doing a show and he had a deaf women in the front row with a another lady signing what he was saying to her. well bill got on a roll to where he was talking really fast and got up to the lady who was signing's face and starting screaming at the top of his lungs, "you sure you can keep up with this dumb [censored]! come on you bitch speed up or she's gonna want her money back, don't let me down like the greasy elephant does over over again (then he starts making these crazy sounds in the microphone), what? you don't have a sign for that uh?" basically he just goes off on this deaf women and her signer (is that what you call her?). "i am available for children's parties as well if anyone is interested...just ask for beezelbozo, the devil clown =)"

i recommend that book in the link.

favorite quote: "you have to admit christians do some weird things, like wearing crosses around their necks...i mean when jesus comes back i think that's the last thing he is gonna [censored] wanna see ya know? its like going up to jackie onassis with a rifle pendant around your neck...just think of john...just thinking of john"
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