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Old 12-10-2005, 08:37 AM
kiddo kiddo is offline
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Default Re: theoretical situation

If u hit flop hard and check because u want them to hit something little, it makes no sense to try to raise and make them fold when they bet?

Would u check this flop behind if u had middle pair? Guess not?

If u were in blind defending in this hand and the other guy checked behind on flop, would u bet turn with Ks?... Why? Because u think he checked flop with, because of a freecard could hit river??

Just trying to say that as long we are not talking about deception on a high level where u try to outthink each other their turnbet doesnt look like Ks and your turnraise doesnt look like Ks, so discussing what we should do when both got Ks, well...

Where I play good players not often check behind on perfect bluffflops after raising preflop, its the (stupid) overaggressive and passive that does this, and always with a monster.
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