Thread: "oh stacy!"
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Old 12-10-2005, 06:56 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Re: \"oh stacy!\"

This isn't going to sound on topic at first, but trust me on this one:

This conversation is going to happen about 1000 times in Las Vegas sportsbooks this week:

BETTOR: Man, I've been waiting in this line for about an hour!

TICKET WRITER: Yeah, we got busy on an NFL Sunday, who'd've thunk it?

BETTOR: Oh, well. Gimme the Jaguars for $100.

TICKET WRITER: (sensing that we've got a newbie on our hands) Here you go, check your ticket, sir.

BETTOR: Wait a minute! Dude, you gave me a ticket on the Jaguars!


BETTOR: I asked for the Colts!

TICKET WRITER: I'll be glad to change it for you, but trust me, you asked for the Jags.

BETTOR: No way! I would never bet on those rat Jags! You're lying! I never said that!

GUY WAITING IN LINE: Dude, you told him Jags.

BETTOR: I did? Really?

I booked in Vegas for years, and saw this scene a million times.

Why did the guy say Jags? The Jags are taking up a huge part of his subconscious. They're the team that can beat him out of $100. They're the only thing standing in the way of an easy win.

I hope that makes you feel better. Sorry, I can't think of how to word it to make your GF feel better, though.

EDIT: I should add, another common response to, "You said Jags," is, "Yeah, I did, didn't I? That's weird. I definitely want to bet AGAINST the Jags, and ON the Colts."

I sure factors that contributed to this were: getting worn down by standing in line for an hour; sensory overload, being in a sportsbook for the first time; and being so excited to actually be making a sports bet in Vegas, that they're not paying strict attention to what's coming out of their mouth. When the mouth goes on auto-pilot, that's when strange things get said.
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