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Old 12-10-2005, 05:59 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Majoring in History-nsfw pic to help you answer

People like you to toe the line intellectually, even if it means nothing. They think it makes you look more serious and goal-oriented, and more manageable, and if that's what they're into themselves, it affirms their own life choices and helps get them on your side instead of imagining you in some sense in opposition to them. And some small percent might even think you might have learned something valuable or gained some sort of applicable competency. It also might suggest that you share certain outlooks about life and politics with the people doing the hiring. Or not. It can work both ways. But generally it will work in your favor if you have something very conventional and directly in line with the job you are going for. A business degree will almost always look much better out in the business world than a history degree.

Liberal arts majors are seriously a dime a dozen.
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