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Old 12-10-2005, 04:20 AM
bones bones is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 56
Default Re: Educating the fish

The irony is so thick in this thread that you can almost choke on it. You're posting about teaching crappy a site where you learn from better players. Hasn't this ever occured to you?

Do you think it's financially beneficial for a poster who plays at your level to give you tips and advise you on certain lines to take? If anything, there is a greater chance that they'll play you (assuming you're both regulars at that level) than some donk who probably plays twice a week after his wife goes to bed.

I dislike table coaches as much as the next guy, but be very careful when you post on here about "educating the fish", because to someone, you're the fish looking to be educated.
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