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Old 12-10-2005, 12:16 AM
jwvdcw jwvdcw is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 182
Default Dan Harrington\'s Volume II: The Endgame, hand 8-3, pgs. 67-69

I won't state the question because I'm not sure how well giving away 3 pages of the book will be received here, but am I the only one who disagrees that the ace is bad for you. When I'm in LP and everyone has checked to me, I hope theres an ace on the board because that is the ultimate scare card and makes it easier to bluff imho. Quite often I will limp with a pocket pair, and the flop will come something like A-x-x, and I'll win the pot once I bet(surely sometimes I have the best hands, but I'm also sure that many times I don't).
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