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Old 12-09-2005, 08:31 PM
Rick Nebiolo Rick Nebiolo is offline
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Default Re: Results of the Prime95 Torture Test

I’d guess that something you’ve done has solved your problem; maybe the BIOS flash, maybe reseated a loose component, maybe blown out a bit of lint that was causing a sporadic short.

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When I was working on a pre-production model of a piece of equipment for subs at Hughes Aircraft in 1981 it was amazing how often kicking it in the right place got an intermitant failure to go away for a while and get the machine to work again. The machine had about 160 five by five inch circuit cards spread over two water cooled card drawers. The pre-production machine had all sorts of jumpers and termi-point (a sort of clip used on the backplane) connecting the wiring between cards rather than the more stable wire wrap. Since the cards were repeatedly swaped out for different reasons during this test and refine phase the connections were very tenuous. I was a pretty good kicker/circuit card reseater but we had one technician who had it down to an art.

Those temperatures could come down a little with some tweaking but they’re nothing to be concerned about.

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I'll probably leave the hardware and BIOS alone for a while and get all other programs running cleanly before loading any poker programs (I need a break from Internet poker anyway - LA B&M is great). If I see a nice fast replacement drive on sale I may swap out the first hard drive (the one that failed once). This will be fast since re-partitioning is easy with Partition Magic and restoring Win XP and programs is a snap with Norton Ghost.

The failures were a bummer but I learned a lot and would like to build my next machine from parts two years out. Meanwhile tweaking Firefox as the primary browser and adding extensions is fun. I can't understand why MS Internet Explorer can't even come up with a version that at least does tabbed browsing. Opera, Mozilla, and IE overlays have had it for years.

Anyway, thanks all for your help.


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