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Old 12-09-2005, 06:28 PM
sweetjazz sweetjazz is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 95
Default Re: NL Adventure - 2 hands

What I found interesting about this hand is how non-sensical it was played. First, there is the gross overbet of the pot on the flop by the EP player. Second, he makes the exact same size bet on later streets despite the pot being much bigger in both cases. Third, BB calls the overbet on the flop, but then folds to the underbet on the turn.

If you had happened to sit at that table for a few hours, you probably could have started to get a sense for exactly what those irrational decisions meant, and since so many of them were so bad, you have an incredible opportunity to exploit them.

BTW, I thought the turn bet was really stupid too, but I wonder whether BB would have played the hand the same without you in it. If players in that game will often peel one card on the flop but fold the turn without better than two pair or a big draw, regardless of bet sizes, villain's play looks better. I doubt that is what villain is thinking, but I just found in interesting that the villain took an awful line but BB played it about as awfully as he could given that line.
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