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Old 12-09-2005, 03:25 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: A question for Christians AND atheists

<font color="blue">Atheism is hostility toward God, enmity with Him. </font>

That is one bold and incorrect statement. How can you be hositle towards something you don't even believe exists? I'm sure most people who ARE hostile towards God, were at one time believers. Do you feel hositility towards a mermaid?

<font color="blue">Because unbelief is totally opposed in principle to God Himself Christians are totally opposed to the atheistic world view. </font>

If God is so opposed to unbelief, why did He create man with intelligence and then leave him without any physical evidence or logical proof for belief? If it was so important that someone believed in you, wouldn't you provide a bit more evidence than unlikely stories based on heresay? So God appeared regularily to man thousands of year ago, but for some reason has chosen to remain unseen and unheard since.

It would be an easy matter for God to allow everyone to believe. But having some people write a book filled with unlikely stories that isn't much different than hundreds of other religious books, is not a good way to get an intelligent creature to believe.
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