Thread: An Army story
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Old 12-09-2005, 12:21 PM
peachy peachy is offline
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Default Re: An Army story

well [censored] 's gang most certainly caused it, but so what, dude was a pedophile and a pervert. All he was likely to do was ruin dozens of peoples lives later on.

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being a pedophile and pervert makes his life worth no less than any other person...he cant help that those are the things that turn him on - its a chemical reaction inside his mind thats miscrossed, along with a combo of many other things - u cannot condone someone for that! IF they physically act on it (hurting/harming/effecting others) then yes it then becomes a problem - but u cannot say someone is "worth" less b/c of things they cannot control.

Peoples mental weaknesses are unfortunate and all of us have them in some form or another - its how we handle them that makes them different - he wasnt mentally stable in the 1st place and like i said before any number of occurences could have lead to this result and i assure u what they did to him ALONE did not push this man to this point - noone is to blame for his choice
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