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Old 12-09-2005, 12:06 PM
rwanger rwanger is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 49
Default Re: I need \"x\" for Christmas because I broke mine...


I broke my marriage. After having pocket aces cracked to bring me down 150BB on a Sunday night, I snapped at my wife when she tried to console me with empty words. She responded with a tearful "I don't think I want to be married to you anymore." Three months later, I was in my own condo, where I sit now.

[/ QUOTE ]

If this is true:
1) Oh my god, that makes me really, really sad.
2) You response is going to be awfully tough to follow. Next time, let some other people respond with trivial things like "mice" and "mirrors" first. Let it creshendo a bit until you finally drop the D bomb.

My response: I have yet to break anything.

However, I once slowplayed top pair (called flop, checked behind the turn) hoping to induce another barrel from my opponent who hit his set of 4's on the river. We were essentially heads up, even in chips, in a winner take all tourney for a $17,000 package to Europe and I busted out on that hand. I spent the next hour pacing around the streets of Boston at 4am trying not to vomit. When you're barely comfortable with losing $100 on a hand, there's nothing like $17k to build character.
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