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Old 12-09-2005, 06:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What just happened with me and this girl??

In hindsight, yeah, it didn't really occur to me at the time. It's not like I'm afraid to do stuff with this girl (I know the whole OP sounds pretty junior-high-ish, but I think that's really more in relation to the girl than it is to me), but I'm not really sure where my feelings for her are coming from. I've never really had a steady girlfriend before, with the biggest problem being that I lose interest in the girls I hook up with really quickly. There have been a couple girls that I've been head-over-heels for, but I've never gotten anything going with them - I've just hooked up with some girls that I've been somewhat attracted to, and I quickly got bored of them and nothing ever came of it. Part of me is saying "ask her out and see where it goes", and part of me is saying "don't be an [censored] and break her heart like all the other girls you've ever been with." So I'm hoping things turn out well, but I honestly can't be sure yet until I spend a lot more time with her.
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