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Old 12-09-2005, 02:18 AM
Bukem_ Bukem_ is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 240
Default Re: 3/6: KQ flops TP, turns two pair

I hate to be nitty, but fold preflop, mostly cause your relative position is bad.

I want to make a comment on your postflop play, but once I make it to that turn, I probably go broke too. Not so sure I even cr all in, since MP likely only calls with a set, and might as well attempt to drag him with a potentially worse hand if we are planning to put all the money in anyways.

Flop play is so awkward, and mostly why folding preflop is good.

Was MP one of those 50/5 guys who never raises to protect his hand, and always ends up with higher set over set, and never other way around?
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