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Old 12-09-2005, 12:52 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: conscious of heart beat

People who meditate can often become aware of these things. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it can even be a sign of a strong heart. I used to have a bed that was so creaky that my heartbeat could shake it enough to wake me up.

The head/eyes pulsating isn't good. You may have high blood pressure. See if cutting back on salt helps any. It can lead to high blood pressure and those symptoms. That's what I read, and it is true in my case. Caffeine can do the same thing to me, in excess.

Stress can activate this kinda stuff and the opposite can help alleviate it.

Acupuncturists might say you have an energy blockage. I wouldn't know if it's something that acupuncture can fix or massage.

I'm also not sure if it could signal a stressed or malfunctioning heart. Just that there's not a definitive answer about it always being bad or good. Can't hurt to check it out with the doc.
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