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Old 12-08-2005, 11:21 PM
yoadrians yoadrians is offline
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Default Re: Anyone watch \'Survivor\' tonight??? ...

English version:

Cindy wins reward (car + BBQ). Probsty brings out 4 cars: she can take one for herself or give one to each of the 4 losers. She takes one for herself (smart).

Lots of scheming about who to vote off, etc. Rafe is all PO'ed in his gay way because he is playing the game "too nice".

Immunity: Steph owninates, although I thought she wouldn't win (she couldnt reach the finish, had to untie knots n stuff).

TC: 4 votes for cindy, 1 for rafe. CIndy: "I'll think of you guys when I'm looking at the stars through the sunroof of my new car."

[/ QUOTE ]

She was probably smart to keep the car ... she knew there was no way she was going to win.

Almost seems like Steph will make the final two now, because whoever wins that final immunity should WANT to take her because there's no one she could beat head-to-head ... outside of maybe Lydia.

Looks like it's Danni or Rafe, with the other finishing third.

If Lydia isn't the next to go, I'm gonna puke, btw.
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