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Old 12-08-2005, 07:49 PM
deacsoft deacsoft is offline
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Default Re: Is this not the most ridiculous parenting ever???

Is this not the most ridiculous parenting ever???

No. However, stuff like this makes me want to puke.

As far as advice goes... I think you have a few options.
1) You can do nothing. (not recommended) It should be up to your brother to get his crap together and help raise his child. It's not your problem. The following options can result is a huge "burden" for you and possibly others.
2) Contact social services and allow them to do their job. they can be much more effective than you. They specialize in handling situations like this. Your tax dollars and mine pay for their services. I certainly wouldn't mind knowing they are going towards a good cause. I'm sure they would investigate the situation and determine if the child should be placed in the care of more appropriate parental figures. or they may offer help to the mother via classes, etc on improving her parenting skills. Even if you don't wish to be a "rat" (or something like that) you could still contact them for consultation. They may be able to give you some solid advise for this situation.
3) You can try to take a larger roll in the child's life. Spend time with him whenever possible and provide him with love, care, and direction. teach him the things he should know and how to behave appropriately. Be the child's friend and play with him. Play sports or games that are more geared for a child. Do everything you can to return the child's innocence. This will certainly be the most difficult tasks of the given options. Three years of horrible parenting, especially from a mother, will be hard to undo. Seek help from your brother and from other relatives who don't wish to see this child grow up to be trash. this will take dedication from all those involved. There needs to be a constant barrage of positive reinforcement towards this child. Again, a lot of work, but if you sincerely care you have to treat this child as your own.

It sounds like the mother is the type who would welcome the oppertunity for you to take and spend time with the child. Then she can go get filled out like an application by the local high school football team. Or drink or do drugs or whatever else white trash mothers do.

Seriously, man. Best wishes. I hope you're willing to step up and be the man in this childs life or at least seek help.


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