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Old 12-08-2005, 06:32 PM
revots33 revots33 is offline
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Default Re: Democrats...their dirty little secret

My argument is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue. It is an issue of who is in power and who is not. Those not in power in this country want to be in power and will stop at nothing to "monday morning quarterback" every decision the sitting president makes. Both parties are guilty of this. Just look at how the Republicans attacked Clinton for 8 years.

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I actually agree with the general point that there's a lot of politically motivated second-guessing in Washington - I guess that's not really news to anyone. But I disagree with your argument that Democrats are only speaking out against the war because they want to be in power. I think they are speaking out against it because their constituents are letting them know, in no uncertain terms, that they demand some sort of plan (beyond "stay the course") for ending the quagmire in Iraq. They would not be doing their jobs if they didn't loudly and persistently demand to hear an exit strategy from the President. Because the American people want to hear how this war is supposed to end before another 2,000 U.S. soldiers get blown up.
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