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Old 11-17-2003, 01:46 PM
Dentist Dentist is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Posts: 236
Default Re: Winning too much....

I actually made a very similar post to this a few months back.

I play in a 3-6 all dentists game at a casino once a month.

I usually do OK, but no one notices a $100-150 win..

One time I went on an epic run of cards, played them outstanding, and blew up for +$450 in 3 hours.

No one was pissed, but I definitely felt the need to give back some the next time.

At the next game, after some initial friendly harassment about what I bought with "their money" I proceeded to dump about $90.... and frankly, if I'd been playing optimal, with the cards I got I was probably only on pace for a breakeven or slight win.

No one has said anything about it since.

I agree that you have to watch big dominating performances.
Although the bad players can have epic runs as well..

As for reading your books - my friends tell me that I try to ruin every "game" we play by looking up strategies on the net, always seeking an edge.... Be it fantasy football, poker, spades, everything.. i'm just always someone looking for an edge...

It frustrates them, but yet they still play, and take the worst of it.... Advantage me!
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