Thread: good raise?
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Old 11-17-2003, 01:08 PM
aamitch10 aamitch10 is offline
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Default Re: good raise?

As a semi-knew stud player I am going to have to disagree with a few of you on this issue. I would absolutely play this hand in a 5 way pot with all cards live. It is precisely what you want to play in a multi-way environment. You say the bring in paired his four, so when you say all cards were completely live, it isn't the total truth. One four was gone at the bring in. However if only one four were dead, i would still be more than glad to play this in a 5 way pot. Now when the 4 pairs his door card you have just made your pat hand. WHy woudn't you raise? How often do you assume a guy has filled up in the first 5 cards? What is the most likely hand that 464 is holding? From his play, if he is one of the week players you are talking about, I first put him on a big pair in the hole because he bet out when just showing 46. Then I think three fours. I think it is an automatic bet by the 464 board and an automatic raise by the completed straight. With $280 in the pot when it is up to you to act, I think a raise is in order to play the 464 heads up. You don't want anyone drawing to a better hand (playing him based on the two most possible hands he is holding). Even if he has three fours, I don't believe he is at odds to fill up with two cards coming. That being said, when the guy makes two pair in the air and bets into the obvious straight, and he is a weak player, you then know he has filled up and get off the hand.

Just my two cents
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