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Old 12-08-2005, 04:32 PM
Jeebus Jeebus is offline
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Default Re: Do you take a deal?

It is a risk of dealing, but then that's why getting shot or shivved is the consequence of ratting. The dealer accepts his fate and then shoots you for it.

On a side note, one of my best friends lives with a guy that deals (same one whos hook up got popped) He sleeps with a gun on the night stand because he got robbed (shot guns masks, open the safe or we shoot you kind of thing)and is ready to use it if someone comes in. There is already a plan to liquidate all drugs from the house should this happen. My buddy gets hammered at my house and decides to drive home. That was wrong in the first place. He gets there and fumbles with his key then stumbles into the place and starts running into the tables trying to get to the couch to collapse. His roommate comes downstairs and has the gun on him when my buddy manages to hit the light switch and keep himself from getting shot.

Story Number two, a dealer I know lived with 4 friends. One roommate got into not paying rent and generally being a dick. The other 4 threw him out. The day he moved out he picked up the dealer's personal supply of the real good and left with it. The dealer had good suspicion it was him, went to his place and discovered it was still in the guys pocket. This is the kind of guy who if he got beat up would call the cops. So he got stabbed. Stabbed good too.

Neither of those involve jail time. Think what the dealer would do if he knew he was going to jail. If you think snitching is ok to do because "drug dealers are bad people", remember those bad people will do bad things to you.
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