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Old 12-08-2005, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Harold Pinter on U.S. Foreign Policy and Iraq

Of course the US subjegates other nations. How do you think we got this rich?

It is amazing that the people who benefit from these savage acts are completely oblivious to them. Like our military goes around doing nice things for people.

That is exactly why US citizens bought the line that we are in Iraq to help the Iraqis. HA yeah right. Listen to adios whine about how the war is somehow helping Iraqis: "And the leftists condemn the U.S. for removing this despot who repeatedly violated international law, strong armed his way to power illegitimately, and was responsible for god knows how many murders. His strong suit was torture. Too funny."

Oh yes, that is why we overthrew him, because hes was a bad guy. Try looking up our involvement in Timor, East.
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