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Old 12-08-2005, 11:31 AM
jba jba is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 672
Default Re: How close is far enough? (Incest)

I have a gigantic extended family. One of those families where the last 5-10 generations, everyone had 6-12 kids. I have a very uncommon last name, but if you drive through some neighborhoods in my hometown every other mailbox has my last name on it, but I have no idea who lives there.

One of my first days of high school I see this ridiculously hot chick in the halls and I was floored. asked around a bit and she has the same last name as my grandmother which was an even more obscure name, turns out she's my grandma's neice (dad's cousin). After that every time I saw her I could totally see my grandma's facial features and it sorta freaked me out and I never really thought she was that hot anymore.

every time I would meet a girl from this town I'd go home and tell my dad her last name and her mom's last name just to make sure
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