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Old 12-08-2005, 10:04 AM
Jonny1723 Jonny1723 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 17
Default Re: Why are we waiting until the turn?


I'm fairly new to poker, and to be honest, probably not very good !

I must admit, I'm guilty of often waiting until the turn to raise - However, I only ever do this if it's been raised PF, I've flopped a set, and the board is unthreatening. (say a rainbow un-coordinated flop)

If there was no PF raise, then I'll always bet out. However, usually you can be guaranteed that the PF raiser will bet out again on the flop regardless of what hits.

I'll then call their flop bet, and raise their turn bet.
(obviously if the turn is a scare card, then I'll usually just bet out)

I play at 0.50 / 1.00 by the way.

Obviously I choose to do it this way of my own accord, and don't fully know if it is the correct / incorrect play.

Can some of the experts on here please tell me why this is the correct / incorrect play ?


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