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Old 12-08-2005, 07:37 AM
timprov timprov is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 88
Default Re: Okay, Ed, I raised.

I dont know much about PT stats, however W$WSF and WSD and W$SD for me are:

33.6 W$WSF
32.8 WTSD
57.7 W$SD

Over 3000 hands sure, but whats considered "running good" or "average" interms of these figures?

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Your stats aren't off norms enough for 3000 hands to mean much. You could be folding too many winners, running a little bad, or just have a draw-heavy hand distribution.

The key stat for determining running bad is W$WSF, which should generally by 35+ unless you're playing in extremely loose games. Mine tends about 38 for 1/2 through 3/6, though I tend to be on the extreme. Values are generally higher for higher stakes, lower for lower.

WTSD and W$SD are included as a check, because folding too much or too little postflop can skew W$WSF. WTSD should generally be around 35, and W$SD in the 50-53 range. Above 55 coupled with a low WTSD might mean you're folding somewhat too easily, and that could account for the small deficiency in W$WSF. Over 3000 hands, though, it could just mean you're getting more drawing hands than expected, folding when you miss and winning when you hit.

This is limit only. NL generally has lower W$WSF, WTSD, and substantially higher W$SD.
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