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Old 12-08-2005, 04:03 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Things you think are hot but aren\'t to most people...

I think I like kissing way more than most guys do, from what i hear from them.

On hands, I'm very turned on by really feminine hands too. There's a certain way of women holding themselves and moving, not all cutesy and fake but just really graceful and unlike how a man moves at all, that really turns me on a lot. Sometimes almost anything they can do, if they have that kind of feminine grace, is cool and almost has a kind of fascination to me. Evolution, I guess; it flicks my switch on. A woman's hands can show that really graceful femininity a lot. It doesn't get me sexed up, but sometimes I can't take my eyes off them.

I also for some reason like the sound of women doing some small busywork a lot. It's really soothing to me. Like cutting stuff with scissors, turning a page. I actually sometimes feel disappointed when I don't hear them fussing about after a while.

I'm also a really major fan of the muscles at the small of the back on either side of the spine. I think this is where a large part of a woman's grace resides, where a lot of curves can come together just right in a physically fit woman. I like to see that part of a woman's body no matter what she's doing. Of course a woman arching it during sex makes me crazy.

I also think, on a more minor note, a lot of women's arms are not very attractive and that they just let that part of their bodies go. But nice arms are probably almost as good looking on a woman for me as women think nice arms are on guys. And those cold soft flabby ones that hang down like a bow even on young chicks -- ugh. Kinda like finding a turd in your banana split. And you know for sure it's gonna look nightmarish when they're old if they can't even control it when they're young.

And on the opposite front, I'm a little tired of the hair flip sometimes. I think some women overuse the hell out of it and it gets to be something between comical and annoying. It's not quite as bad as the broken-neck look you see in photo after photo of women, though, where they can't hold their damn heads up straight anymore. That's gotten way old by now.
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