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Old 12-08-2005, 01:43 AM
Autocratic Autocratic is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: D.C.
Posts: 128
Default Re: Have you ever tried to outrun the cops?

Senior year in high school, I had a short stint in the illicit substances business. My friends and I were at a party where we knew no one just to make a rather large sale. Shortly after the transaction, cops appear outside the house. Everyone in the place jets, and we were hopping fences like crazy. About 4 kids, including me, were hopping fence after fence, being pursued by a single cop. I dart to a side yard and hide, hoping that I won't get spotted. Nothing happens, and then I hear a commotion one yard over. I peaked over the fence, and the following scene was ensuing: three of the four kids we'd been "dealing" with had guns drawn. Police officer had his hands in the air, looking terrified and confused. I immediately bolt in the other direction. I am not sure about exactly what transpired before and after that, but nothing was in the papers about it and obviously no one was hurt. Probably the most intense thing I've ever witnessed.
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