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Old 12-07-2005, 11:40 PM
Myrtle Myrtle is offline
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Default Re: Viet Nam: Some help for a paper please

To the OP, it is always important in a college class to give your teacher whatever he/she wants, to ensure you get the best grade (which is the only thing that matters). If your prof is a flag burning hippie then write about how brave young men and women dodged the draft to stick it to the evil empire. If your prof is a grizzled war vet then write about how the lefty pop media and culture stabbed its own nation in the back. If he's neutral then write about music. You get my drift?

Myrtle, I'm curious, in what ways do you think Agent Orange, Fragging, PTSS, or My Lai had anything to do with pop culture? Certainly important concepts of the war, but the pop culture implications I am completely missing here.

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The reason I included those terms was because of the impact that each of them had on the national psyche.

Agent Orange - For the real effect that it had on the people and countries where it was used, and the attempted cover-up and scandal surrounding its' use. For our governments refusal to address the documented health problems that it caused many of us that were exposed to it.

Fragging - An extreme act that demonstated the duality and insanity of the US combat soldier during the conflict.

PTSS - The effects of PTSS were widely known by their symptoms for many years prior to Vietnam, but it was only after Vietnam, when serious & significant studies were conducted, that the far reaching impact of PTSS was finally acknowledged.

My Lai - The My Lai massacre was a fulcrum of the turning point of American support for our administration's 'Vietnamization' policy. The actions of Calley and some of his troops were exposed to incredible scrutiny & publicity and further polarized US citizens surrounding the Vietnam war issue.

It's entirely possible that they mean more to me because of my closeness to them, but even in retrospect, I believe they did have an impact on most US citizens in a number of ways.
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