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Old 12-07-2005, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: How many times have you been pulled over...

Pulled over once for speeding, got a ticket (40 in a 25 school zone)

Could have gotten in much more trouble a couple months later. I was driving home with the lady after a party, and she suggests we pull over for "something." I take the hint and pull over ASAP. So a minute later I'm on top of her in the reclined passenger seat, and I see a cop approach. He stops next to the car, waits about 5 seconds, and drives off. Needless to say, I went home that night with a set of blue balls like no other.

Not only is it illegal in VA to have sex in a vehicle, but the police here are super strict on drunk driving and underage drinking. If you are charged in with DUI in VA, it is on your record for 7 years, regardless of whether or not you get convicted. I personally think that's BS, but what can I do.
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