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Old 12-07-2005, 08:28 PM
Jeebus Jeebus is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 143
Default Re: Do you take a deal?

I should have clarified on the dealer. I always buy from guys I am cool wiht, hang out with before or after a deal or just because. I can see how if you run the anonymous crap or get from some stranger you could rat, maybe. If you go to a regular dealer, it should not be an option.

I especially find it amusing that people say the more you have the more likely you are to snitch on your dealer. If you are getting caught with a Kilo and you rat on your dealer you would be dead.

A good friend/hook up/ guy from high school's hook up just got pinched and is looking at 10-20, had the option to go down to 2-5 for giving up his clients or his supplier and did neither. If you can't be prepared to do that, you shouldn't be doing drugs. I agree with whoever it was who said that they wouldn't deal wit/hang out with alot of people based on these results. It ain't High School, its real life. You rat on someone they don't wait for you by the flag pole, they give some guy $500 and you get shot.
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