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Old 12-07-2005, 04:47 PM
Landon_McFly Landon_McFly is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 12
Default Re: 2 questions... 10 girls.... sweating yet?

number 10 deserves a syphilis dripping cock in her mouth for this

"I'm proud to say that I have never done any drug nor have I ever smoked anything in my life."

Bah- i'll dye my hair and pierce my lip, but drugs are for loosers.

#4 ruins herself with her pro military tirade.

#3 and #5 are neck and neck (or throat and throat) for who gives the best Bj's- #9 "Most women are catty bitches" - guess what honey, odds are you are too.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate girls like this. Personally, I've never taken one sip of alchohol, or used ANY drugs, but I don't really think it's worth being proud of. It's like bragging about NOT drinking soda.

You know your life sucks when people ask you what you're most proud of and you reply with "not doing drugs".
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